Sanctuary Rabbits

About Our Sanctuary Rabbits

Sanctuary rabbits are special rabbits who are no longer likely to be adopted but remain in the Indiana House Rabbit Society's care. They are provided endless love, long-term care and support.

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Rabbit Photo

Californian mix
Age: 8 years 7 months
Weight: 6.6 lbs.

My name is Armand. I came to Indiana after escaping floods in Louisiana!

I'm a very easygoing bunny and I enjoy house rabbit life! I love, love, love to be petted. You can pet me all day. I'm also a big fan of my daily salad and chowing on lots of hay!
During play time I like to do binkies, and during rest time I stretch out and enjoy some sun coming in the window.

The doctors have been unable to find the source of my GI troubles, I have had a LOT of tests! My foster mom does not mind the extra work and mess ;)

View Armand's full bio, including more photos!

Rabbit Photo

Age: 5 years 8 months
Weight: 9.3 lbs.

I was rescued from a backyard hoarding situation in the winter, right after we had almost a foot of snow and negative windchill for almost a week. I had parasites along with several of the other rabbits I was living with, and on top of being sick, I was pregnant! Fortunately I came to rescue and was safe, warm, and well fed when I gave birth to my nine babies, and they have grown up healthy and loved. And my rescue family gave me the name Bellini!

With everything I've been through, I'm still a sweet, mild tempered, patient, laid back bun. Unfortunately I started having problems breathing and began to get weak, I just couldn't get comfortable and was losing energy to even groom myself or my babies. I went to a special vet and they discovered I have an enlarged heart and I'm in congestive heart failure!

Fortunately my babies were just old enough to go on their own a bit early, which allows me to take the medicine I need to feel better. Now that I have heart medicine, I've done a total turn around! I'm learning how to bunny for the first time. I can now do normal bunny things like groom myself, play with toys, binky, and even do zoomies! Due to my illness I'm not able to be spayed and I'm an IHRS sanctuary rabbit. The nice rescue people will let me live out the rest of my life being well taken care of in a healthy clean stable environment with the best care possible. My medical needs will last the rest of my life, and I could use donations to cover the costs of medicine and follow up diagnostics.

View Bellini's full bio, including more photos!

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Age: 3 years 9 months
Weight: 4 lbs.

Hi, I'm Fitz! I was born in rescue and my parents and siblings have all been adopted. But I get to stay with the rescue people because I'm a little differently abled! I'm a very special bunny who has a couple legs that don't work right and I get pretty dizzy and fall over a lot. I even had to have one of my eyes removed because I lay on my side so much it kept getting infected and very painful. But I'm all healed from that, and super happy with my bumpers to lean on, lots of great food, and my salads almost always have my favorite: fennel!

I get to cuddle on the couch with my people every night while they watch TV. I eat my salad and wander the couch and snooze on them, and nibble them when I'm ready to head back to my pen. I even have some bunny neighbors who are also differently abled! Once I heal from my neuter I might be able to move in with them, which would be very exciting.

I'm just hanging out doing my Fitzy thing. My foster people have to do a lot of care for me since I can't hop or use the litterbox, but I keep myself quite clean and I'm in charge of my day! My medical expenses have been more than most bunnies and I need food, hay, greens for the rest of my life, so donations to the rescue are always appreciated to help with my care.

View Fitz's full bio, including more photos!

Rabbit Photo

Age: 9 years 2 months
Weight: 5.5 lbs.

A rescue in Ohio took in 17 rabbits on Thanksgiving from a hoarding situation where the rabbits were living in filthy outdoor wire cages. Handsome Keaton is a young guy who came to us from that group!

Keaton has been in his new foster home for about a month now, and he's acclimated well to a "helpful" toddler, bossy roommate, and a barking dog. He's still a little bit skittish, but has warmed up so much since being here! He's pretty energetic - he runs the Bunny 500 around the rabbit room, and is constantly throwing toys all over the room. He's made himself a pest with the resident bunny, rearranging her pen as *he* sees fit from the outside, but she doesn't mind too much. Keaton would be a great companion for just about anyone!

View Keaton's full bio, including more photos!

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Lop Mix
Age: 7 years 7 months
Weight: 6.4 lbs.

Hi, my name is Kirby and I'm a delightful bunny with a big attitude! I recently lost my BFF Kerplunk and I'm figuring things out as a single bunny once again.

I am friendly, outgoing and like to solicit attention. I like pets for a limited amount of time. I can also do some champion flops if you watch me long enough. Work hard, play hard!

I can make myself fairly tall when I periscope so some bunny proofing will be needed. If there is a way to escape my area, I will find it! I am fairly tidy outside of my litter box area.

I have chronic upper respiratory infection that needs to managed with medications when I have a flare. I might like another bunny friend some day.

View Kirby's full bio, including more photos!

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NZ White
Age: 10 years 1 months
Weight: 7 lbs.

Lillian is one lucky bunny! Her mom was caught at large in a park, she was born 3 weeks later.

Lillian lives with her sister Lucy. They are a very devoted, snuggly pair. They are a little reserved with people right now, but the are very curious and nosey, putting their paws on you. The come to trust those who are patient with them and bring snacks!

View Lillian's full bio, including more photos!

Rabbit Photo

NZ White
Age: 10 years 1 months
Weight: 7.1 lbs.

Lucy is one lucky bunny! Her mom was caught at large in a park, she was born 3 weeks later.

Lucy lives with her sister, Lillian They are a very devoted, snuggly pair. They are a little reserved with people right now, but the are very curious and nosey, putting their paws on you. They warm up to patient people who have snacks to share. :)

Can you provide these girls a home where they will be adored?

View Lucy's full bio, including more photos!

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Age: 6 years 7 months
Weight: 4.6 lbs.

I am Maybelline. I love having space to kick up my heels in my foster home. Being confined makes me very anxious. I have a fear that no one will respect my space like my foster mom does.

I prefer to not be in a home with children, they make me nervous. I need a forever home with someone with prior rabbit experience, especially with rabbits who are slow to trust.

View Maybelline 's full bio, including more photos!

Rabbit Photo

Age: 2 years 9 months
Weight: 4.6 lbs.

Hi, my name is Molly! A Good Samaritan caught me after I had been running around outside for 6 months.

I am sweet and friendly. I love people and living as a house rabbit! I really like being petted and treatos.

Unfortunately I was recently diagnosed with cancer and I am not eligible for adoption. That is okay with me because I landed with a really fantastic foster family!

View Molly's full bio, including more photos!

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Standard Rex
Age: 10 years
Weight: 8 lbs.

Hello! My name is Ruby. I love feeling safe and having room to stretch my legs. I also love food and will prove it by dancing for you!

I have arthritis and get meloxicam every day which I lap up like it’s candy. Because of my arthritis I need special litterbox accommodations, the area immediately surrounding my litterbox can be a little messy. The rest of my enclosure is very tidy though!

I get along with my foster family and lounge next to my rabbit buddy in an enclosure next to mine. Because I wasn’t treated very well prior to rescue I have some trust issues and strangers make me a bit anxious.

I would rather not be picked up. I need someone patient who will cherish me as I am and remind me that I am very special. It won’t be long before I will lay my velvety head on your foot and wait for you to pet me.

View Ruby's full bio, including more photos!

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mini rex
Age: 6 years 5 months
Weight: 6.4 lbs.

Poor Violet was set free to live on her own outdoors. By the time a neighbor spotted her, she'd been outside over the winter and spring had come. Violet is very wobbly with a presumed neurological condition. She was covered in ticks and really struggles to move around, with her wobbly, stiff walk. She falls over fairly frequently.

Despite her troubles, Violet is SO SWEET. She loves to be petted and just craves attention. We were unable to diagnose the cause of her condition through blood tests and a visit to a neurologist. Violet was stable enough to be spayed, but does remain in need of special housing and care. Please help her with good wishes and support for her veterinary needs if you can!

The best part of Violet's story is she is bonded to her best buddy Curly, another sanctuary rabbit. Violet and Curly cuddle all day and life is great if you ask them :)

View Violet's full bio, including more photos!