Kirby is a sanctuary rabbit. Sanctuary rabbits are special rabbits who are no longer likely to be adopted but remain in the Indiana House Rabbit Society's care. They are provided endless love, long-term care and support. | Sponsor Kirby
Kirby is a sanctuary rabbit. Sanctuary rabbits are special rabbits who are no longer likely to be adopted but remain in the Indiana House Rabbit Society's care. They are provided endless love, long-term care and support.
Lop Mix Age: 8 years Weight: 6.4 lbs.
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Hi, my name is Kirby and I'm a delightful bunny with a big attitude! I recently lost my BFF Kerplunk and I'm figuring things out as a single bunny once again. I am friendly, outgoing and like to solicit attention. I like pets for a limited amount of time. I can also do some champion flops if you watch me long enough. Work hard, play hard! I can make myself fairly tall when I periscope so some bunny proofing will be needed. If there is a way to escape my area, I will find it! I am fairly tidy outside of my litter box area. I have chronic upper respiratory infection that needs to managed with medications when I have a flare. I might like another bunny friend some day.