Rainbow Bridge

2/1/2017 - 6/1/2024

The Earth has lost another gentle soul and heaven has gained another angel.

Binky free, sweet Curly.
Rabbit Rainbow Bridge


Age: 7 years 4 months
Weight: 4.7 lbs.

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Curly was found as a stray in Greenwood, very skinny and with eye infection. She was turned into an Indiana shelter, who helped get her weight back up and treated her eyes. But Curly was kind of stuck at the shelter... they didn't have a spay/neuter connection, and Curly was getting cranky about being there. IHRS came in to take Curly to rescue after care after she'd been at the shelter a couple of months. One thing we discovered while at the shelter: Curly had terribly maloccluded incisors! One of her top teeth curled right out of her mouth, and the others were really wonky. Since rabbits' teeth grow continuously, this condition will only get worse and will lead to starvation.

Ms. Curly received a prompt dental exam from an experienced rabbit veterinarian. She has had several dental surgeries with multiple extractions until finally she has had all of her teeth removed! Unfortunately, Curly's cheek teeth (molars) were even worse than her incisors, basically crumbling out of her head. She had CT scans to help the vet perform the dental surgeries with the best information possible, but over time her teeth became too bad to save.

Curly had to learn to eat different kinds of food post her dental surgeries. She has trouble with grooming because she does not have teeth to help with that task. Her foster home helps her with this and Curly is good with cleaning as best she can with her tongue! The extent of her issues is so severe, her veterinarian feels she should remain in sanctuary status. She has an unknown prognosis overall and needs a very special caregiver with access to a great rabbit vet. We are supporting Curly with special foods and when she has recurrent dental/facial/eye infections she receives antibiotics and surgical correction.

Curly is an incredibly happy bunny, especially because she is bonded to her best friend Violet, another special needs bunny! Violet and Curly snuggle a lot. We do have to separate them at mealtimes since Curly is very slow to "chew" her soft pellets and Violet tries to steal them all, but otherwise they spend all their time together. We are so happy they have found each other for comfort and friendship even though they both have serious health needs.

Curly is curious and thankful for food and attention. She could use your well wishes and your financial support for all her ongoing medical needs and the special food we purchase for her! She has a great spirit and says to keep the extruded pellets and pumpkin puree coming.

Rabbit Photo
Rabbit Photo
Rabbit Photo
Profile last updated on 6/4/2024