Indiana House Rabbit Society

House Rabbit Society, Indiana Chapter
PO Box 421746
Indianapolis, IN 46242-1746
(317) 767-7636


Age: 2 years 1 months
Weight: 3.7 lbs.

Hi, I'm Maxine, and someone dumped me outside in the cold along a recreational trail in Indy! Thankfully nice people worked for several days to capture me. I was covered in hundreds of ticks! I was so happy to get inside with good food and nice folks. Now I'm all fixed up and I am a super fun bunny! I love attention, playing, and escaping to explore the whole house. I have super cool eyes. One is blue and one is brown! I’m tidy, and would prefer to be in an home where I’m the center of attention. I’m good with kids and enjoying being social. Who wants to meet me and take me home?!